Contents of the /audiosrrj/Estudos das Obras de Andre Luiz/ folder

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Name Bytes KB Attributes Ext Type Date Time
525 nosso lar - 010524 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.306.314 23737K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 30/04/2024 15:52:36
520 nosso lar - 240424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.384.891 23813K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 24/04/2024 12:08:57
524 nosso lar - 300424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.394.504 23823K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 30/04/2024 11:19:33
default.asp 4.578 4K A--- asp ASP File 16/05/2020 00:58:33
518 nosso lar - 220424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.440.061 23867K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 22/04/2024 11:24:39
521 nosso lar - 250424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.351.872 23781K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 25/04/2024 15:06:23
519 nosso lar - 230424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.264.101 23695K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 22/04/2024 14:14:56
522 nosso lar - 260424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.282.073 23713K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 26/04/2024 09:14:55
523 nosso lar - 290424 tereza e marco antônio.mp3 24.173.403 23607K A--- mp3 MP3 Format Sound 29/04/2024 12:14:02